In the event of a sudden medical emergency, certain medical information can be of critical importance to the EMTs, paramedics, or doctors treating you. This information is valuable and could […]
Does Medicare Cover My Annual Routine Physical?
The answer is sort of a tricky one. No, an “Annual Routine Physical” is not covered by Medicare, which means you’ll be paying the full amount for it even if […]
Social Security Numbers Will No Longer Be Your Medicare ID
Although everyone has been told at one point or another to only carry their Medicare ID cards and never to carry their Social Security cards, Medicare ID cards have the […]
Rotary Military Family Assistance Center Flyer
The Hawthorne Rotary Club is sponsoring a donation event that seeks to provide military families (currently and formerly serving) in need with food and other necessities. To learn more, click […]
Important Documents to Locate Before Your Parent Has a Health Crisis
Many aging parents are still able to manage their finances and the important aspects of their daily lives by themselves. They don’t need to rely on their children, so they […]
Long Term Aging Care: Don’t Expect Your Children to Take Care of You
Aging in America can be a difficult process. Many of us believe that we’ll be able to rely on our children to care for us as we become increasingly unable […]